Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Giving Thanks


On this Thanksgiving eve I am proud to say that I have finally started my own personal blog!  I will do my best to find a routine and make this successful!

As all you travelers scurry your way to your Thanksgiving destination, I hope you take the time to sit back and think about all the things you have to be thankful for.  For me, the list goes on and on.  First, I am thankful for God and the Faith he has instilled in me to have such a cherishable life, living in the greatest country in the world created under the words and beliefs of him.  Second, I am thankful for my family who has given me the shining light of inspiration and hope that I carry.  Truly, I am grateful to have been raised be two of the greatest people on the face of this earth.  Third, I am thankful for my rights that have been handed down to me by our founding fathers.  The freedom and liberty they have set out for myself and all of you is a grateful act that we can never pay back.  Our only obligation is to uphold and protect those so sacred rights that they felt so strong about.  I have confidence that as a nation, we can get this country back on the path that the founding fathers have paved.  Fourth, I am thankful for life and health, as I know many others this holiday season are facing obstacles.  For whatever the battle is you may be fighting, I send you my prayers and I encourage you to keep praying and keep fighting.  Lastly, I am thankful for you.  I have been blessed to know and be surrounded by people who have touched my heart and made a difference in my life.  For this, I thank you.  And the list goes on and on.

To all of you, I hope you have a safe holiday weekend filled with joy and love.  Truly, we have so much to be thankful for so let us cherish the memories we make and live a life of happiness.

With love,

Zachary L. Ziebarth